Whether you’re branding or re-branding… examining your Purpose or Passion in life… thinking about your I/We Believe Statements or About Us Page for your website… looking for a new way to attack that elusive Why Statement… Or just looking for a fun worksheet, I’ve got you covered!
Knowing your ‘why’ is critical for branding!
The best Brand Concepts come when someone is very clear about why they do what they do!
Why is that?
Because, as Simon Sinek points out,
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”
Being clear about your Purpose and Passion in this life… being able to articulate exactly what you believe to your ideal client will allow you to brand yourself in such a way that magnetizes your ideal client to you.
I’ve created a worksheet that’s helped prepare some of my clients for the Purpose section of my branding exercises.
This is a fantastic resource for anyone who wants to create a Why Statement, whether you’ve done it before and had success, or tried it before and struggled to come up with one.
This also helps you form what I call your “I Believe Manifesto,” which would make a great About Us page on your website!
Additionally, it’s a great resource for anyone who is just beginning to explore the concept of Purpose and Passion in their life!
Download it for FREE here:
After you’ve done the Why Work, if you have questions, reach out! Happy to help! This TRULY is my passion.
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