Frequently Asked Questions
How long will this process take? When can I expect to have my Brand Book?
Thus far, at an average pace, people have been completing it and having their final Brand Assets folder in about 12 weeks.
If you feel you want to extend it out, that's not a problem. I do cap the process at 6 months.
It can be done as quickly as 8 weeks, but you’ll need to reach out to me, ahead of time, to check and see if that’s a possibility for your. It will depend on my schedule, as well as the schedule of my graphic designer.
Why the time variance?
Your parts are within your control.
Feedback from prior clients is quite varied about the initial exercises. Those who have done a lot of business development are suggesting approximately 5 hours for the exercises. Those who have not done business development prior to coming into this process usually suggest approximately 15-20 hours for the exercises.
Participants tend to take anywhere from two to six weeks to work on these, as their schedule permits.
For the Pinterest part of the project, prior clients suggest budgeting approximately 10 hours for the Pinterest, but offer the reminder that will not take place in one sitting.
Participants tend to take anywhere from one to three weeks to work on this, as their schedule permits.
My parts vary depending on my case load and the case load of my graphic designer.
NOTE: If timing is a determining factor for you, please reach out to me to find out what you can expect on that.
Do you offer a Money-Back Guarantee if I'm not satisfied?
Absolutely. Listen, I am a firm believer in wanting everyone to be pleased with their investment. I'll be honest and say that I haven't had an unsatisfied person yet - whether someone has paid $0 for this or $10,000.
I don't ever offer something I won't stand behind 100%, so you can absolutely have 100% of your money back, if you are not pleased with your final product.
However, in order to be eligible for that Guarantee, here are the things you need to do:
You must do all the exercises thoroughly (exactly as specified), honor all time commitments, follow instructions (exactly as given), and trust the process, not altering it in any way. Keep in mind the process I stand behind is the one I created - how I created it.
You will need to speak up during the different check-ins (during our session and then during the brand book review process) to express your concerns or any dislikes to allow us the opportunity to course-correct.
You must request the money back within 30 days of the day the items are shared with you.
I noticed there was some difference in the examples that you gave on your Invigorate program page. What will actually come in my Brand Book?
That’s true. I do make some judgment calls, based upon each Brand Theme, each client, and each Brand Book, what format I use and how I lay out the book. I do have some basic guarantees.
Here is what you can count on being included in the Brand Book that I'll make for you.
Brand Concept (your brand message)
Brand Theme (the visual approach to the brand message)
Brand Personality Adjectives (5-6)
Brand Inspiration Images (10-14)
Brand Colors with the Hex numbers (5)
Brand Textures & Patterns (3-4)
Brand Logo (typography only)
Brand Fonts (4-5)
Brand Profile (who you serve, how you serve them, your offerings)
Brand Mood Board (taken from a Pinterest board you create with my support)
What if I have only been paid by one ideal client, but I have worked with another ideal client on a barter, beta, or volunteer basis - could that still count as 2 paid ideal clients?
Ok, so my questions are this…
First, was the unpaid ideal client truly a dream client experience? Did you love working with him/her? Are they really your ideal client?
Second, did that person show up and act like a true client even though they didn’t write you a check? Did they avidly participate as though they were a paying client?
If you can answer a true, genuine Yes to all of these, then you can count them towards one of your two paid ideal clients.
If you cannot answer yes, then go ahead and complete this FORM, and let’s talk about the best strategy for your situation.
I’ve been in business a while. I’m now pivoting, working with a new group of people. I have not worked with any of my ideal clients (or worked with them on a paid basis), but I’m very clear about who they are, why I’m working with them, and what I’m offering them. I may even have specific people in mind as my ideal clients. I need a new brand; I can’t use the current one. Can I sign up for Invigorate?
Fill out this FORM and give me some more info about your specifics. Invigorate may very well work for you. And, it may make sense for us to chat beforehand, to make sure. If it’s not a perfect fit, there might be an opportunity for us to do a brief arrangement to get you ready for Invigorate.
I am just starting and really want a web presence and brand. I haven’t worked with any ideal clients - at least on a paid basis. Is there anything you can do for me?
How exciting! I'd love to help you! I can probably even take you through the Invigorate brand identity design process, in a personalized, one-on-one branding-coaching package. Check out my Work with Raechel page, and fill out the Interest Form at the bottom of that page.
I am changing niches. I am not really clear about who I want to work with, but I know I want to change. In the meantime, my current website or brand won’t support me, but I don’t want to pass up options to give out my name. Is there anything you can do for me?
I have been there! I love your instinct to not pass up opportunities to have people connect with you. Fill out this FORM to give me some more info about where you are in your business and what you’re looking for support with, and we’ll go from there!
Will you be doing any design work for me?
Good question. I'm glad you asked because it's easy to get confused when you hear the words "branding" and "design" thrown around.
No design work will be done for you in this process, EXCEPT the logo. The work that we do here is meant to be inspiration for the designers and creatives in your business.
When we really scale back and look at it, what you’re paying for in this program is the brand clarity, identity, and the inspiration… the actual design itself is left up to the designers!
I'm a Designer or have Design training or background. You said I was to report down here for a Disclaimer...
Yes, thank you!! I just wanted to have a little chat with you!
I have taken many designers and creatives of assorted types (graphic, interior, stylists, artists) through this process. We've had a great time together! HOWEVER many of them have found points in this process to be particularly stretching.
They have wanted to micro-manage, change the process, cheat the system, make me re-do things, help me restructure the program, etc. I have not let them. They have cursed me and cussed me. I have loved them through it, without being moved by them. They have persevered, and they have loved the final product.
I tell you this now because I am all about full disclosure. I will not adjust my process, but I will love you through your discomfort and be patient with you.
If you feel you are someone who will not be able to adapt because you have the design experience and education and I do not, I feel ya and don't blame ya. I also think this isn't the right program for ya!
You probably do have the voodoo I wish I do. I'm a bit jealous, AND I know my process works and I'm uber good at what I do.
If you want to trust me and this program, please sign up!
If you don't think you can check yo'self, let's make a plan to just hang out and make fun of the most ridiculous 80's trends, across all design spectra - there's soooo much to work with. ;-)
I am using the payment option. When are payments due?
Thank you for investing! I am so excited to work with you. Your card will be charged with your first month immediately upon purchase, and then again every 30 days, eight times. Easy peasy.
What if I want to do more work with you after I’m done? Can we work together?
Absolutely we can discuss that. I’m always happy to support my clients after the process. Let’s see what you need and what makes sense, after we’re done, and go from there. I won’t leave you hanging!